E-Promotion member Consent

PFL NIDHI LIMITED.  is a Limited company, licensed by MCA of India since 2019.

Why are we asking you to read and complete this E-promotion member Consent?

As a valued member we would like to provide you with reassurance that we take your right to privacy in an electronic context seriously.

During the course of providing you with our service, this Firm may be in contact with you through a variety of electronic means, including potentially by telephone, email, SMS and instant messaging services (such as WhatsApp). These means are referred to in this document as E-promotion.

We would like to take particular care to ensure that any marketing or promotional information that we may send to you, or we may arrange for selected third parties to send to you, is sent with your prior, express permission. We would like to keep you informed about products or services that we, or selected third parties, may have access to that may be of interest to you.

In this document we explain how we would do this, and ask for your consent to receiving such information from us (and, where specified, selected third parties) in the future.

How this E-promotion Consent relates to our members Privacy Notice

During the course of dealing with us we will ask you to provide us with detailed personal information relating to your existing circumstances, your financial situation and, in some cases, your health and family health history (Your Information).

During the course of our initial discussions with you, you will have been provided with a copy of, or been provided with access to, our member Privacy Notice. We encourage you to read this document, as it sets out in detail the basis upon which this Firm will process and share Your Information. The member Privacy Notice also explains the role of our Network in relation to the processing of Your Information.

Our member Privacy Notice does not extend to explaining how we would like to use Your Information for promotion purposes, including to E-promotion to you. We are of the view that this is better set out separately, to enable you to be clear and make informed decisions in relation to your right to privacy.

How we will use Your Information in the future

There are a range of reasons why we need to retain Your Information and, when necessary, use it to make contact with you. These include:

Specifically, we would also like to make your aware of products or services that are made available to our firm from time to time that we think may be of interest to you in the future. We propose to do this by any of the E-promotion means, using contact information you have provided to us.

Your right to Opt-Out

You have the right to ask us not to contact you for promotion purposes at any time - to Opt Out – we have included details of how to Opt Out at the end of this document so that you know what to do.

Opting Out means that we will either remove Your Information from our promotion database or limit our contact with you to the means you specify (for example, by email only), but we reserve the right to retain it for any other purpose explained in this document or as set out separately in our member Privacy Notice.

Please note if you have agreed to being contacted by our selected third party(ies) you will need to exercise your right to Opt Out directly with any such third party.

How to make contact with company to Opt Out

If you have any questions or comments about this document, or wish to make contact in order to Opt Out please contact:

info@pflnidhi.com or call +91 1414109872